How to Set Up Netgear Nighthawk Bridge Mode?

When it comes to speed and performance, Netgear routers are the first preference for many people. The Netgear routers are laced with the 802.11ac dual-band gigabit technology that provides high speed up to 1900 Mbps. These routers come with high standards-based WiFi security and guest network access feature. In case you are a Netgear Nighthawk user then you can also use your router in bridge mode. The Netgear Nighthawk bridge mode feature can be used on the router models such as Netgear Nighthawk R7000, Netgear Nighthawk ac1900, Netgear Nighthawk R8000, and Netgear Nighthawk X6 ac3200. The process to put the Netgear router in bridge mode is easy and quick. But to do so, you will need two routers. One you can use as a router and the second one in bridge mode.

Things you need to setup

Netgear routers can be used in bridge mode. But before that, you need to configure the settings. To do so, you need to log in to your router’s account using the username and password details. Make sure to choose the correct settings to put your router in bridge mode. Also, ensure that the condition of both routers is good and they are working properly. So, with no more delay, let’s get started!

What is bridge mode on a router?

Bridge mode is an advanced feature in your router that lets you extend the network coverage of the router. If you have two Netgear routers then you can easily put one of your routers in bridge mode. Once you complete the Netgear Nighthawk bridge mode process, you will be able to access the gigabit speed on your router. Make sure that you have collected details such as SSID, WiFi security mode, wireless password, and operating frequency (either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz) before moving on to the setup process.

How to Set Up Bridge Mode?

Before approaching the steps, make sure that you have set up your router at the desired place and gathered all the necessary data. Now, you can quickly set up the Bridge Mode on your router with the help of the steps that are given below:

  1. Open a browser on your computer or smartphone that is connected to your router
  2. In the search box type ‘Router Login’ and press the ‘Enter’ button
  3. On the login screen, enter the password and username details

Pro Tip: In case you are using a new router then use the default username and password details that are admin and password respectively.

  • Look at the home screen display and click on the ‘Advanced’ option
  • Find and choose the ‘Advanced Setup’ option
  • Whenever you detect the ‘Wireless Bridge’ option, click on it
  • On the Wireless Bridge page, select the ‘Enable Bridge Mode’ option
  • Now, click on the ‘Setup Bridge Mode Wireless Settings’ button
  • When asked, provide the SSID, WiFi security mode, wireless password, and operating frequency details
  • If required, provide the passphrase the of your router
  • Find and click on the ‘Apply’ button
  • On the advanced wireless settings page, you need to click the ‘Apply’ button

After going through the above steps, your will be able to enable Netgear Nighthawk bridge mode. In case you are facing issues while accessing the router’s login page as you have forgotten the passphrase details then you need to reset the router to factory settings.

Netgear AP Mode vs Bridge Mode

Netgear AP mode and bridge mode is not the same. The Bridge mode helps you to connect multiple devices at gigabit speed. On the other hand, AP mode allows you to extend the existing WiFi of your ISP-provided hardware. Both modes are used for different purposes so we can say that both are best.

Read – How do I set up my Nighthawk X4 to Bridge mode?


In short, Netgear Nighthawk routers can be used in bridge mode. But to do so, you need to configure the settings of your router. Users who are not confident with the process to enable Netgear Nighthawk bridge mode can easily do so by approaching the steps that we have mentioned above on this page. Make sure to update the settings correctly to avoid trouble. Hopefully, you have learned the way to set up bridge mode on your Netgear router.

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